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英语范文:The Untimely Tradition 不合时宜的习俗(收藏)


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China is a great old country that has more than five thousand years' history. Its culture has influenced the world, such as the great educator Confucius. His thought is popular around the world. As the time went by, some old traditions have been kept all the time though they are not suitable in today’s situation.


Holding wedding would be a great thing for the new couple, but sometimes the old traditions make the wedding an unhappy memory. For example, in order to make the wedding lively, the best men always figure out some funny ways to play jokes on the bridesmaids, such as throwing these girls into the swimming pool. This is not a joke, but a rude behavior. The more ridiculous tradition is the groom’s father kiss the bride. Everybody was shocked by this farce. If the tradition is out of date, then it should be removed.


Most people are educated to keep the tradition, showing the respect to their ancestors. It is time to think about whether some old traditions are deserved to be reminded, if not, then removed.









英语范文:关于家庭,朋友,事业的英语作文Family, Friends, Career(收藏)

In a sense,the life of each of us is made up of family, friends and career. If any of them is lacking,our life is not intact and we may feel embarrassed, regretful, or even painful.


One's family is his harhour where he can rest and relax himself when he sails home through winds and waves of the outside world. One's friends are his most trustworthy and most valuable companions. He and his friends will help and encourage each other on the long journey of life. One's career is the reflection of his talent and value which he offers society. So we can say that one's family, friends and career are just what support him in this world and make him feel happy, safe and important.


Anyone who longs for a delightful life should cherish his family, take sincere care of friendship and devote himself to his career.


英语范文:Influence of Peer Pressure 同伴压力的影响(收藏)

Peer pressure means the influence given bya group of people around you, such as, parents, friends, classmates, teachersand so on. Their influence will affect your attitude, behavior, conception ordecision. As every side has two sides, this influence also has two sides. Letme explain my reasons.


For one thing, influence of peer pressurehas positive effect. It depends on the specific thing. Sometimes, the influenceof pressure will promote me get progress. For instance, my deskmate does wellin one math exam, while I fall far behind her. As we are deskmates, i can’t letothers look down on me. So i will take her as my good example to fight. Andthen next time, I can get a good mark by my effort. Take my parents as anotherexample, they like clean. They don’t have the habit to throw rubbish at will. Iwon’t have this habit either living with them.


For another, influence of peer pressure hasnegative effect. Sometimes the influence will be bad. For example, if myfriends ask me to skip class to watch a basketball match with them, i go withthem, even i don’t have that thought before. And one of my friends has gonethrough a lot, he always try to convince me that money is very important. Astime passes, i may change my conception.


In summary, the influence of peer pressurehas positive and negative sides. We have to advocate the good side and avoidthe negative. We have to be clear about what is right and what is wrong andfirm our position.


英语范文:一件尴尬的事情a embarrass thing(收藏)

My embarrassing things that day. I came early to the classroom, students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up, only to find pants sticky.


How is it? I got a look silly, because I hand touched touched a bunch of sticky stuff. I got in front of a look, stay - the chewing gum! I wonder, how will my pants on the gum?


This time I can be embarrassing, how do? I do not care do not dirty dirty, hand to grasp. As a result, a catch down, hands and chewing gum both stick on my pants this time.A classmate see this, he not only help me, but also laughed at me. How embarrass.


当传统遇上创新 Tradition and Innovation

There is a vivid saying which says “If tradition can be likened to the roots and trunk of a tree, innovation is its leaves and fruits.”


I quite applaud this simile. From my perspective, tradition and innovation are doomed to coexist perpetually. First and foremost, tradition is a solid foundation for innovation, with abundant nutrition we can absorb, such as scientific experiment approaches and science spirits.


Secondly, it’s the drawbacks of tradition in certain fields that give rise to inspiration and momentum to innovate. For instance, Thomas Edison, who caught the sight of the inconvenience of traditional gas light, conducted experiments and eventually invented light bulb.


On the contrary, innovation will certainly fight against tradition. When an innovation satisfies people’s expectation ,it can gain popularity and finally make itself a new element in tradition ,which will be held in high esteem.


In a word, tradition and innovation can never be separated. At the very time, with the ever-increasing speed of innovation, a diversity of newly-born technology and hi-tech products penetrate our daily life. I’m convinced that we’d better be absolutely conscious of our root——tradition and give priority to it. Only when we gain a thorough comprehension of it can we accomplish magnificent innovation and exert positive effect on our society as a whole.


英语范文:The Influence of US TV Series 美剧带来的影响(收藏)

Nowadays, as the economy gets globalized, communicationbetween countries has been highly improved; the culture impact is beinggradually obvious. In China, we can find American products everywhere, mostpeople like to see American movie, and cultural impact can be seen all thetime. US TV series is newly popular; it affects teenager’s life somehow.


US TV series show teenager their fashionideas. Most of US TV series’ audiences are teenagers, they also the series’target audience. The first famous American TV series is Friends; most peopleget familiar with American TV is under the enlightment of it. Since then,people start to pay attention to such TV series. The newly well-known is GossipGirl; it presents all the typical American factors, like fashionable dress,party and sex. Teenagers pay much attention to the clothes; they like toimitate the dressing. Watching American TV series makes a person become fashionin dressing and their open-mind about sex.


While watching US TV series also is a goodway to have access to American culture. The TV show is a country’s reflectionof their culture, we learn English since we are at school, while we have lessideas about its culture. Watching TV series is a quick way to learn Americanculture, we can learn the accent and the fashionable words, and these arehardly known from the textbook.


US TV series are indeed more and morepopular in China, we learn American culture, at the same time, and we also getthe fashion idea.


英语范文:Looking Inside 正视自己(收藏)

Nowadays, more and more young people trend to take a trip when they have holidays or when they face annoyance in life. Traveling provides people a way to breathe new air and adjust their mood. But short trip for most people is to run away from all kinds of troubles, instead of looking inside.


With the improvement of life standard, traveling becomes much easier for Chinese people. The public advocates the young generation to travel more, so as to broaden their vision. While in the movies and commercial ads, traveling has become a way for people to run away from their troublesome life. Without the annoyance, they live easy life and appreciate scenery. But when they return, they need to continue the suck life.


In my opinion, the meaning of travel is to let people have the chance to look inside and figure out the way to solve their problems. So when the happy journey is finished, it is time for them to come back and face their problem. There is no need to avoid the trouble, just face it and then life will be better.
