范文 > 好词佳句 > 导航 > 赞美父爱的句子






1、In the past, I was often beaten by my father, and I even hated my father. One day, I asked my mother wrongly: "Mom, Dad always beats me, does he not love me anymore?" "Silly boy, how could he? Dad loves you very much, but he is not good at expressing himself." Alas! But I can't feel it at all!


3、The broad shoulders and backs block the cold current, and winter seems to have passed away.



6、You held my hand and made countless promises; You once kissed my face with hard beard dregs. Unexpectedly, the years have been stained with wind and frost, scattered on your hair. Happy Father's Day!

7、When in fear, fatherly love is a stepping stone; In the dark, fatherly love is a light; When exhausted, fatherly love is a bay of water of life; When working hard, fatherly love is the spiritual pillar; When successful, fatherly love is an encouragement and alarm bell.



10、Dad is not easy. No one can compare with him. He never thinks about himself for children and women. He has spent most of his life with no complaints. Now he is very old, so he should enjoy happiness and take care of his health. I wish my father a happy holiday, good health and a long life.



13、The moment of thinking is happy; Having the pleasure of feeling is happiness; Having a father's love is also happy.










22、Father is a river, flowing with years, telling the vicissitudes of life; Father is a piece of sea, holding up the sun and flying the wings of the sky; Father is a mountain, with a strong backbone and the fragrance of the earth.





27、Even if you are an immortal expert, it is difficult to outline your father's strong backbone: even if you are a literary magnate, it is difficult to portray your father's unyielding spirit; Even if the sea is full of rivers, it is difficult to include your father's love for your children.



30、Don't forget that in a complete family, in addition to maternal love, there is also paternal love. On the road of our growth, my father set a coordinate for us and forged wings for us to fly. Thank you for your father's love and all that it has brought us. It is an eternal love. Thank you, father!




34、Father's love is like the summer wind. The summer wind is always so peaceful, which brings a sense of coolness when the heat is unbearable. When I was wandering at the crossroads of life, my father patted me on the shoulder, smiled, showed me the way with his eyes, and warmed me with his heart.



37、Father's love is boundless, like water.




40、My father is a real "hillbilly". He is quick at work, but he is not unfamiliar and has learned a lot. My father has studied in high school and is excellent at learning.



43、Father's love is a big mountain, tall and dignified; Father's love is a pool of water, deep hidden; Father's love is a pair of hands, touching us through spring, summer, autumn and winter; And fatherly love is a tear, a tear full of temperature.

44、Father's love is deep. I want to say a word to my father from the bottom of my heart. Although this word has been said thousands of times by the world, I want to say to my father: "I love you!"



47、You are the warm sun in winter, always warm your heart; You are the spring in the desert, forever moistening your heart; You are the core of the family and the authority forever. On Father's Day, I wish my father healthy and happy forever! Good mood, happiness forever!

48、Such a person, who is bound up with you all his life, supports a world with his thick arms and protects a family; His wings protect your healthy growth, because he wants you to have the arm of a giant; His criticism may make you angry, but you always blame yourself behind his back; After his majesty, he was so gentle. This was his father.



51、The afternoon sunshine is warm, and that beautiful lie is my father's warm love. In the winter sky, the warm afternoon sun adds warmth to the sky.





56、Father's love is wordless, father's love is like a mountain; Father's love is broad, and father's love is like the road; Father's love is warm, father's love is like fire; Father's love is endless, and those who have father's love are happy!





60、Fatherly love is deep, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist; Fatherly love is great, it is no less than maternal love; Father's love is noble, it makes me from an ignorant child to a sensible student.

61、Father love is always silent. Although father love is not as delicate as mother love, it is more profound than mother love. When you feel the silence with a sincere heart, your life will be more warm and happy. The silence contains ardent encouragement, firm encouragement and ardent expectation.


63、"The mother is worried when she travels a thousand miles." So is the father? However, the father's love for his children is hidden in his heart and subtle actions. Father's love is like the black soil, which silently supplies the nutrition and water needed by the seedlings. Father's love is like the dew on the lotus leaf in the morning, which inadvertently soaks the thirsty heart of the lotus.

64、Although parents' love is so great, I think parents sometimes love me but sometimes they favor others. I can't understand this kind of love.

65、My father is a truck driver. He is more than 1.8 meters tall. His ordinary face is full of the hard work and hardships of driving every day. He has a pair of bright eyes, but after the daily wind and rain, the bright eyes also have a bit of gloom. His big mouth seems to be smiling all day without a trace of sadness.




69、Father's love, it is like liquor, spicy and warm, easy to get drunk in it; It is like coffee, bitter and mellow, easy to make people excited; It is also like tea, plain and kind, which can make people addicted unconsciously.

70、Father's love is like the rain in spring, which moistens my seedling from the ground. When I felt depressed, my father's words of encouragement made me feel warm, and everything started again.


72、Father's love is a mountain! It will give me strength when I am difficult, give me direction when I am confused, give me confidence when I am lost, and congratulate and alert me when I succeed. Father's love is the great mountain that supports my life!


74、Father's love is like the cloud in autumn. In the autumn when there are many fruits, the cloud just looks at all this high, and it is still quiet. When I failed in the exam, I went home crying, but my father didn't say a word when he saw this. He just stood quietly, looked at me with a smile, gave me strength, made me energetic immediately, and let me know that he was the mother of success!

75、In the dim yellow, I feel my father's concern, and the slow wind lifts the window screen; In a trance, I heard my mother's tinkling, and the gentle rain climbed onto the windowsill.
