范文 > 好词佳句 > 导航 > 圣诞节的祝福语10到20个字






2、圣诞节的来到,我用祝福把你围绕,愿你从此天天都美好,事事无烦恼,开心常笑,大把赚钞票。 When Christmas comes, I surround you with blessings. May every day be a beautiful day, with nothing to worry about, with laughter and lots of money to make.

3、因为有爱,生活变成幸福。因为有你,这个圣诞变得快乐! Because of love, life turns into happiness. Because of you, this Christmas is happy!


5、平安夜刚过,平安相陪伴;圣诞节来到,祝福早起草;短信准备了一条又一条,只是为了把心意表。在欢乐的节日里,传递出我的真诚问候:圣诞快乐!永远幸福! Just after Christmas Eve, be safe and accompany each other; Christmas is here, and wishes are drafted early; I prepared one message after another just to express my feelings. In the joyful holiday season, convey my sincere greetings: Merry Christmas! Forever happiness!

6、晶莹的雪花,送来天空的祝愿;摇曳的烛光,是浪漫的拜访;彩色的圣诞树,是幸运的堆砌;鼓鼓的袜子,被祝福填满。祝你圣诞快乐,好运连连。 Crystal snowflakes bring blessings to the sky; The swaying candlelight is a romantic visit; Colorful Christmas trees are a lucky pile; The plump socks are filled with blessings. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and good luck.

7、爬过烟囱,穿过窗;拉过雪橇,踏过霜;挂过礼物,化过妆;扮过老人,送福光:愿你幸福快乐,过平安;吉祥如意,事成双;圣诞佳节,享平安。 Climb over the chimney and pass through the window; Pulling sleds, stepping on frost; Having hung gifts and put on makeup; Playing the role of an elderly person and sending blessings: May you be happy and have peace; Good luck and success in everything; Enjoy peace during Christmas.

8、在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意! With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. I wish you all the best.

9、圣诞佳节恭喜你,发个短信祝福你,成功的事业属于你,开心的笑容常伴你,健康长寿想着你,最后还要通知你,财神爷也要拜访你! Congratulations on Christmas and send a text message wishing you success. A happy smile always accompanies you, and I miss you for a long and healthy life. Finally, I want to inform you that the God of Wealth is also coming to visit you!

10、敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。 Christmas and new years greetings.

11、红联贴门喜盈门,福天福地福无 疆。彩灯高挂福星闪,鞭炮齐鸣合家欢。春节拜年我最先,祝你合家大团圆,平安吉祥幸福满,春节快乐乐无边。


13、我们是圣诞老人把爱送给你。 We are santa claus, give you love.



16、朋友,圣诞来到,祝你圣诞开心,快乐无边!日子红火,幸福无限! A merry Christmas and a merry Christmas to you, my friend! Happy days, boundless happiness!

17、圣诞节到了,快晃动微笑的魔法棒,让青春荡漾。 When Christmas comes, shake the magic wand quickly and let the youth ripple.

18、圣诞之花手中拿,圣诞新装身上穿,圣诞礼物包中藏,圣诞女神你何时来到我身旁? When will you come to me, christmas goddess?

19、圣诞节,平安夜,让我们静待钟声敲响。许心愿,共祈祷,将愿望挂上圣诞树。等礼物,盼惊喜,心想事成都给你。连友谊,传祝福,祝开开心心迎圣诞。 Christmas, Christmas Eve, lets wait for the bell to ring. Make a wish, pray together, and hang the wish on the Christmas tree. Waiting for gifts, looking forward to surprises, I have something in mind for you. Connect friendship, pass on blessings, and wish a happy heart to welcome Christmas.(读书笔记吧 DSBJ1.cOm)


21、今夜祝福绵绵为你汹涌而来,愿今夜你是幸福的主角,平安夜愿你平安。 Tonights blessing comes for you. May you be the protagonist of happiness tonight, safe night and peace.


23、亲爱的,尽管我不能陪你度过我们的第一个圣诞节,但是我还要送给你我深深的祝福,愿你明天更美丽! Dear, although i cant be with you through our first christmas, but i will send to you my deep blessing, wish you more beautiful tomorrow.

24、圣诞节到了,送你一座“幸福花园”,开心与快乐推开两扇门,吉祥如意是幸福围墙,园里载着圣诞树,树上结满甜蜜果,树下流着忘忧泉,愿你戴着温暖圣诞帽,逍遥自在度过美丽的圣诞节。 Christmas is here, and I will give you a "happy garden". With two doors open for happiness and happiness, good luck is like a happy wall. The garden is filled with Christmas trees, which are filled with sweet fruits. Under the trees, there is a fountain of forgetfulness. May you wear a warm Christmas hat and spend the beautiful Christmas season freely.

25、圣诞的钟声,悠悠扬扬,在这浪漫的季节里,送上我真挚的祝福。 The sound of Christmas bell, long and loud, in this romantic season, send my sincere blessing.

26、我说爱你,不是因为愚人节,那是我的心里话。 I say I love you not because of April Fools Day, but because of my heart.

27、愿你快快乐乐每一秒,平平安安每一天。 I wish you every happiness and every day.

28、祥和气氛温馨伴,送件礼物过圣诞:送双袜子挂一挂,快乐礼物全装下;送条短信带句话,关心朋友表牵挂。圣诞要到了,愿你:幸福平安夜,快乐圣诞节! A peaceful atmosphere and warm companionship, give a gift for Christmas: give a pair of socks to hang up, and put all the happy gifts in it; Send a text message with a sentence to show concern for friends. Christmas is coming, may you: happy Christmas Eve, happy Christmas!


30、愚人节请你笑,恭喜你,一个崭新的傻子诞生了。 April Fools Day please laugh, congratulations, a new fool was born.



33、平安夜里求道平安符,平安符里写上我最美的祝福。圣诞节里栽棵圣诞树,圣诞树上摇曳你四季的幸福。平安夜圣诞节祝你福禧双至,一生都有好运的眷顾! On Christmas Eve, seek a peace talisman with my most beautiful blessings written on it. Plant a Christmas tree during Christmas, and the tree will sway your happiness throughout the four seasons. Wishing you both happiness and happiness on Christmas Eve, and good luck throughout your life!


35、我的思念,我的祝福,风儿传递,祝你幸福,笑容常在,圣诞快乐,祝福永珍藏。 My miss, my blessings, the wind, I wish you happiness, smiles always, a merry Christmas, blessings forever treasured.

36、亲爱的朋友,从指缝中悄悄溜走是过去的时间,指尖轻轻送来的是上天的祝愿,时间无法抓住,幸福无法掌握。希望你的平安夜温暖,你的圣诞节无比快乐。 Dear friend, quietly slipping through your fingers is the past time, and the gentle blessings from heaven are sent by your fingertips. Time cannot be grasped, and happiness cannot be controlled. I hope your Christmas Eve is warm and your Christmas is incredibly joyful.



39、我愿意,化作平安夜的钟声,给你送来平安的祝愿;我愿意,化作圣诞节的雪花,给你送来真挚的祝福;我愿意,化作一条短信,给你送来圣诞节的祝词! I am willing to turn into the bell of Christmas Eve and send you peace wishes; I am willing to turn into Christmas snowflakes and send you sincere blessings; I am willing to turn it into a text message and send you Christmas greetings!

40、早晨笑一笑,全天生活有情调,工作之余笑一笑,满堂欢喜又热闹,晚上笑一笑,睡个美满觉,烦恼之时笑一笑,一切烦恼全忘掉,祝圣诞节快乐,笑口常开。 Smile in the morning and enjoy a lively and lively life throughout the day. After work, the whole room is filled with joy and excitement. At night, smile and have a good nights sleep. When you are troubled, smile and forget all your worries. Wishing you a happy Christmas and always smiling.

41、今天寒风凛冽,心中充满温暖,圣诞树挂满诚诚的心愿,圣诞歌唱出美美的心声,圣诞老人送出闪闪的礼物,我则送上真挚贴心的祝福,愿您圣诞快乐,吉祥如意,万事顺心,美梦成真! Today, the cold wind is chilly, and my heart is filled with warmth. The Christmas tree is filled with sincere wishes, Christmas sings with beautiful voices, Santa Claus gives sparkling gifts, and I send sincere and thoughtful wishes. May you have a happy Christmas, good luck, all the best, and your dreams come true!



44、愿你圣诞心愿现,快乐笑声永不断! May your christmas wish come true and your laughter last forever!

45、你这个聪明过头的家伙,当一天傻瓜吧! Youre such a smart, over-smart fellow. Be a fool for a day!

46、我亲爱的宝贝儿,明天早上醒来的时候,你将收到心爱的`礼物,包括我! My dear baby, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will receive a lovely gift, including me!

47、Christmas greetings and best wishes! 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!

48、我已经派我可爱的小麋鹿,驮着送你的礼物已经出现在你家窗户外,快点打开窗户接收吧。咦,你要知道为什么?好吧,圣诞快乐!呵呵。 I have sent my lovely little elk, carrying the gift for you, to appear outside your window. Open the window quickly to receive it. Hey, you need to know why? Okay, Merry Christmas! Hehe.





53、雪儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜快来到! The snow is floating, the deer bell is knocking, and the sweet christmas eve is coming!

54、雨打芭蕉沙沙的,狗赶鸭子呱呱的,喜鹊唱歌喳喳的,小孩子饿了哇哇的,圣诞节我想你眼泪哗哗的,谁不回短信就是挨烤的白鹅嘎嘎的! The rain rustles the banana trees, dogs drive ducks, magpies sing and chatter, children are hungry, I miss you on Christmas with tears in my eyes, and anyone who doesnt reply to a text message is a roasted white goose quacking!

55、圣诞节,愿你百媚千娇展笑颜,欢欢乐乐度圣诞。 Wishing you joy and joy in Christmas.


57、当圣诞节的钟声想起,我的祝福第一时间送达,真诚的祝愿你圣诞快乐,万事如意,健康平安,幸福如意,吉祥顺心,万事开心! When the bell of Christmas rings, my blessings are delivered as soon as possible. Sincerely wish you a happy Christmas, all the best, good health and peace, happiness and good luck, and happiness in all things!
