Dear _,
My interest in law stems from the knowledge that it affects every aspect of our lives, despite our often being oblivious to it. Without law, I would not have the right to education, to survival and to freedom of speech. Without law, there would be no legal boundary between right and wrong. Law acts as the foundation of society, and without it we could be deprived of every basic right.
Work experience has allowed me to see how law can be applied to real-life situations. During my placement, I was able to look through case files and sit in on interviews with clients as well as doing research using legal textbooks. In addition to showing me how relevant law is to everyday life, work experience emphasised the all-encompassing nature of law and made me appreciate the workload of a solicitor. I also did work experience in Stuttgart, spending time with a judge, a lawyer specialising in German-Irish Law and a firm specialising in employment law. I was able to sit in on negotiations, see how a judge comes to a verdict and how evidence is analysed. Work experience gave me a flavour of international law, and I enjoyed the complexity of dealing with two different legal systems. Not only was this beneficial as additional work experience, I was also able to prove to myself that I could live independently and that I am mature enough cope in a foreign environment. I have also carried out research into the study of law, attending a pre-law conference in London and reading ‘Learning the Law’ by Glanville Williams and ‘The Law Machine’ by Marcel Berlins and Clare Dyer. I believe the subjects I have chosen will also give me a good foundation for studying law. Mathematics would aid me greatly, as it is both logical and methodical as well as being challenging. I believe that English Literature has provided me with skills essential for studying law such as analysis, comprehension and interpretation. Economics encourages one to select relevant information from long passages of text, and to apply theory to real-life situations. It also presents ethical and moral issues which raises discussion and debate, as a result I have learnt to argue my point coherently, whilst respecting the other’s point of view.
I have also been given several positions of responsibility both inside school and in extra curricular activities. I represented my class on the Student Council, where I learnt to work successfully as a team member, and improved the school environment as a result. This year, I have also been appointed Head Girl. This will enable me to further improve my teamwork, organisational skills as well as demonstrating my leadership potential. As Head Girl, my duties include representing the school and speaking in assembly. I have represented the school in public speaking on several occasions, resulting in the school being awarded runner-up overall for a Safety competition. I also do public speaking in Young Farmers’ Club, having achieved 1st at county level and 3rd in an impromptu class at national level. Public speaking has required me to be articulate and eloquent. In addition to these, impromptu public speaking requires making the best use out of the time given for planning and remaining calm under pressure. As Public Relations Officer in my Young Farmers’ Club, I was awarded runner-up at county level. My role required me to write articles about the activities at Young Farmers’ Club and illustrate these with photos. I needed to be organised in order to meet the newspapers’ printing deadlines, which required time management. As peer mentor in school, I am trained to deal with information of a sensitive nature and am a good listener.
As a result of my responsibilities, I believe I am someone who could adjust well to university life, and I am enthusiastic about the next level of education where I can focus primarily on law, a subject that motivates and excites me.
Yours sincerely,
蔚蓝海岸大学位于法国尼斯,是法国一所“超级大学”,由尼斯大学,阿尔松美院(Villa Arson),法国高等影视学院(ESRA),法国国家信息与自动化研究所(Inria)等多所高校联合组建。
主要课程:中古世纪哲学、现当代哲学、现代认知论、哲学方法 论、论文撰写等。
图卢兹大学全称图卢兹-南部比利牛斯联合大学(Université fédérale de Toulouse-Midi-Pyrénées),建校于1229年,是世界上历史最悠久的大学之一,位于法国南部-比利牛斯大区的世界大学,也是法国政府重点发展的8所“卓越大学计划”成员之一。学校教学严谨,师资雄厚,覆盖所有学科,是世界上学科的大学。
图卢兹大学的哲学本科专业侧重于该学科的历史及其时事,并向人文、人文和社会科学的其他学科领域(政治、伦 理、社会科学、艺术等)融合。学生在第二年需要从“社会科学”和“人文学科”当中选择一项来作为自己的“第二专业”或者“辅修”。哲学系致力于完成大学的三重任务,即文化的传播、研究的追求和专业的融合。
Dear _,
Almost any technology we take for granted today involves engineering: from mobile phones to space shuttles, engineering certainly has an impact on our daily lives. Increasingly over the last few years, I have become drawn to engineering and the wide range of possibilities that studying in this field can offer. Modern technology always intrigues me and I find it fascinating to see how they function, especially with the intricate physics behind them. I believe that although it is important to determine how things work, it is perhaps more valuable to understand why they fail and use it to our advantage to construct better solutions. I aspire to become an engineer because I believe that I can make a difference to our lives, by creating solutions for the many problems that surround our world today.
After embracing a larger interest in engineering, I decided to broaden my mind by reading about different engineers such as James Watt and Edison. They both inspired me as they dedicated their work to improve living standards at the time, which revolutionized the way we lived. In July I attended a Headstart course at Loughborough to discover more about this field in general, and it has further secured my opinion that I want to be part of this area of expertise. Working at Steve Leung's Architects in Hong Kong last summer has provided me with a sound opportunity to gain an incredible insight into the areas of architecture and structural engineering. Although it was hard work, I enjoyed the challenges by solving them with scientific and mathematical ideas. Besides, I learnt to use statistical models to solve complex calculations, whilst developing teamwork and time management skills.
I believe that I am well suited to this field, as my subjects and thinking reflect the nature of engineering. Studying physics with the Advanced Extension Award has provided me with the core scientific knowledge needed. My innate logical thought enables me to apply this theory to diverse and practical problems, which I find challenging and enjoyable. Maths has given me numerous problem solving opportunities and allows me to apply usual concepts to solve unusual situations. Furthermore, by studying Design and Technology, I gained experiences with electronics, materials and CAD/CAM, as well as coping with large amounts of coursework. Alongside the main subjects, I am also undertaking Chinese as an extra language. In addition, Geography at AS level presents me with analytical abilities and a greater awareness of issues on a larger scale.
For the past 4 years I have thoroughly enjoyed boarding, as I get on well with others easily. This has helped me to develop as a person, making me independent and organized, but more importantly it has developed my interpersonal skills. As I am from a family of Chinese origins in the UK, I am able to speak both English and Chinese fluently, which is an invaluable advantage for me. Apart from my curricular activities, I like to be involved with other aspects of school life, such as sports. My favorites are rugby and hockey, and I am currently a member of the 1st Hockey team. I also help to coach the U15s team occasionally, and this develops my teamwork skills and discipline. On the other hand I have enjoyed taking part and helping to coordinate ???Jack and the Beanstalk???, which is the school pantomime for this year. Whenever possible, I enjoy socializing with friends, as I believe there is more to life than just academic success.
Through my experiences I am beginning to appreciate the future and prosperity that engineering has to offer. I hope that a degree from your university will act as a key for a successful career in engineering.
Yours sincerely,
法语课程对留学生的法语水平有着必要的要求。根据欧洲委员会于20xx年颁布的《欧洲共同语言参考标准》(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages),法语水平由低到高被为A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2,共6个等级。
1. TEF考试(Test d’Evaluation de Francais)
2. TCF考试(Test de Connaissance du Francais)
Dear _,
There is a rapid growth in global organisational concepts, crystallised in Japanese business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way. New technology involving networking information and automation influences the behaviour of business and enables significant transformation. This need to maximise efficiency and effectiveness in such a competitive age is increasingly crucial to the success of a business. This is why it is an exciting and fascinating period in both the commercial and economic world to study Business Management.
Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to managing businesses. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum of sixth form study that has taught me to approach problems from different political, economical and psychological perspectives. Throughout Business Studies, to complement what has been taught I have researched real-life business solutions and how they have been implemented, such as the responsive marketing used by Coca Cola to prolong their business cycle and sustain major profitability. Studying ICT has enabled me to examine the criticality of technology in giving businesses a competitive edge by considering issues such as organisational objectives, people and legal implications rather than making decisions based solely on financial factors. Furthermore, studying Psychology gives me insight into the human influences on organisational behaviour through studying motivational theories such as the hierarchy of needs model proposed by Maslow, whilst the coursework has developed my skills in collecting and analysing data in order to establish trends and draw conclusions. Studying English Language has allowed me to develop an ability to express my ideas clearly and concisely.
I have worked for _ as a Tester, assisting in the development of _, the fastest-selling PC game ever. It was a significant learning experience and made me evaluate myself and better understand my strengths and skills, such as the ability to easily identify discrepancies and communicate these effectively to management so that problems can be solved. Recent experience at _ Ltd gave me a taste of working within a larger organisation. Operating within two different, but equally successful organisations has enabled me to see contrasting leadership styles and corporate culture. Within college, I participated in a paired reading project where I listened to and assessed readers lower down the school which required a relaxed, patient and friendly approach with the younger students, as well as punctuality and dedication. Throughout the past year, I have represented the college in district basketball and rugby competitions.
I am a committed member of the Colts team at my local rugby side. I have captained the team in previous seasons which required leadership, confidence and diligence. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to a range of music, going to the gym and socialising. I am a regular reader of the Financial Times, enjoy keeping up with current affairs and business news. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction such as 'Making It Happen' (J. Harvey-Jones) where his common sense approach complements the management theories of more staid texts. This degree will equip me for my career in the unpredictable and fast moving world of commerce.
Yours sincerely,
如果进入的是理工类,对语言要求不是太高的专业,并且有1年语言的情况下,需 达到欧盟A2以上水平;
如果进入的是语言水平要求较高的专业但也有1年语言、或者要进入的是预科(不论 语言水平是否要求高),需要B1以上水平;
如果不是语言,也不是预科,而是要直接进入专业,那么至少要达到B2的水平, C1要求更为普遍!
这里不是“奥尔良烤翅”的那个奥尔良。这座城市因圣女贞德的故事而闻名,百年战争期间, 法国女英雄圣女贞德领导人民在此打败英国占领军。在这儿生活学习,平均每月的花销是778,15欧元。
主要是住房的补贴,不管大家是住校还是租房,都可以提交申请获得相应的补贴,这是由法国的CAF (Caisse des allocations familiales) 发放的,留学生是特殊申请的群体。
具体项目有社会住房补贴(l’allocation de logement sociale),个人化住房补贴l(’aide personnalisée au logement )和家庭住房补助( l’allocation de logement familial )。
Monsieur le Président,
Dans le souhait d'une inscription auprès de votre université, j'ai l'honneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.
J'étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et j'obtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 20__ .
Outre la langue fran?aise, j'ai étudié aussi...la littérature fran?aise à laquelle je m'intéresse particulièrement.
Après l'obtention de mon dipl?me, j'aimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.
Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, j'ai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. C'est pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.
Si c'est possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à l'adresse ci-dessus, un dossier d'inscription ?
Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mon profond respect.
Dear _,
I have always enjoyed and achieved highly in science and maths. I also appreciate problem solving and the feeling of achievement associated with the practical use of design and technology, which I studied to GCSE level. Throughout the course I worked with materials including plastics, woods, and metals and designed and built various items including a table lamp and a propagator for germinating seeds.
I have been involved in various projects with my father, including erecting a pergola, a wooden shed and building a large brick shed at the bottom of the garden. I also constructed a wooden chicken coop to my own design. These projects have given me an insight into dealing with building regulations and the need for planning, design and accurate measurement. I have gained experience in the use of building materials, taking both cost and physical properties into account.
Studying civil engineering at university will provide me the opportunity to further study the areas of science, maths, design and technology that I enjoy, as well as to gain many other skills. Studying civil engineering will offer me a wide range of challenging and fulfilling career opportunities. I would like to apply for the foundation year, which after completion, will allow me to progress onto the civil engineering course. I am particularly interested in how civil engineering skills can be applied with maximum benefit to society whilst having minimum impact on the environment.
I did two weeks work experience with a consultant paediatrician in ------- Hospital in ---------- during the Easter holidays of 20xx. I also did two weeks work experience with a general dental practitioner in ----------------. Both of these experiences showed me the importance of communication skills, leadership and teamwork in the smooth running of an organisation. After further consideration, I realised that I would not be happy in the healthcare profession and instead was drawn more towards civil engineering, which I feel is closer to my interests.
During the last two years, I have participated in the school???s community action group, which involved weekly visits to a retirement home in -------- to organise a coffee morning for the elderly residents. We served tea and biscuits and provided company to those who attended. During the school???s activities week in June I helped out in classes at the ------- School for children with special educational needs. Outside school, I did voluntary work at St. Anne???s Hospice charity shop on Saturday mornings. I have also received a certificate from Millennium Volunteers for completing 117 hours of voluntary work.
In school I am a silver prefect and am involved in the running of the ------ society. I enjoy languages and am learning ------- in my spare time. I attended a one month intensive ------ course in the summer holidays at the ----- centre in -------. I have attended a twenty hour weekend course by I to I on teaching English as a foreign language arranged by my school. I am a keen gardener with an interest in permaculture. I grow fruit and vegetables in our back garden and also keep several hens. This has made us self sufficient in eggs and Jerusalem artichokes and gives a good crop of strawberries in the summer.
Yours sincerely,
Dear _,
Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China’s Ivy League universities at 14 and joined the country’s topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 19. Now an experienced engineer at 26, I would like to scale still higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge of scientific development.
I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early childhood. For years, I consistently outperformed all of my classmates in such challenging subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry. I was thus chosen to represent either my school or my city in a variety of provincial and national contests of academic skills, in which I won numerous prizes. This impressive academic record put me on academic acceleration several times. That not only enabled me to finish my primary and secondary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years but also sent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the Chinese University of Science and Technology, a major cradle of the country’s scientific and technological talents.
After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I chose electrical engineering as my major and computer software programming as my minor, convinced that expertise in these fields would stand me in good stead in an era of China’s rapid economic expansion and technological modernization. As you can see from the transcripts of my undergraduate grades, I excelled in both of these areas.
Upon graduation in 1991, I won easy acceptance into the Institute of Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a graduate student at 19, when most Chinese students would be just starting their university education. At this institute, I narrowed my academic interest down and focused it on the area of human and artificial intelligence, where the courses I took were deliberately concentrated. It seemed to me that scientific breakthroughs would next come in this area, which made it both challenging and promising. I learned a whole lot about this area in the course if doing my thesis titled “The Radio Shunting System in Railroad”, for which some experiments were conducted on the basis of artificial intelligence.
My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in China’s burgeoning software industry. After I obtained my Master’s Degree in Engineering in 1994, I first took up a job with a telecommunication company, where I managed a trunk communication system that resembled the cellular wireless system. A year later, I joined a software company to develop CMIS program for China’s Post and Telecommunications Ministry. It was a large project, and I made crucial contribution to it by independently developing and finalizing one subsystem, which proved to be a significant success and won me profuse appreciation from users. After the completion of that project, I have been working for the Japan Brother Ltd. in the area of software development.
The relative smooth path of my career notwithstanding, I have not had a chance to lead a major project, although I have always finished my part of every project immaculately. In spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have not taken the full advantages of my intellectual capabilities. I now wish to pursue still more advanced studies and thereby obtain an advanced degree so that I can open more doors and shoulder greater responsibilities.
I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework and sufficient practical experience for further studies. My ability to teach myself and conduct independent research allows me to attain competence quickly in areas that I may at first know very little about. I never work just to finish an assignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to improve my knowledge and expertise through the work I do. In this fashion, I have become seasoned in such fields as trunking system (telecommunications) and CMIS system (software). This quality should help me as I seek to further upgrade my education, particularly if I have ready access to the seasoned guidance of a strong faculty and the convenience of state-of-the-art research facilities.
The University of Idaho is well known for its excellence in the E. E field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. These should set a good stage for me to exercise my keen mental power and diligence. If I am accepted, I am confident that I can make quick progress in the E. E field, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, image processing, wireless communication, neural network and computer networking, which have many characteristics in common and share many important principles. Due to the broad applications of these technologies, I believe the progress we make in these areas will help shape the future of the mankind. I would like t be at the forefront of such progress.
As I am broadly grounded in EE and computer science, you may find me qualified or more qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned. If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may have.
I wish to assure you that I have the necessary English language skills to complete advanced studies in your Ph. D. program. I generally read or write English without any difficulty. I have, over the years, not only read academic or professional materials in English avidly but also memorized the whole English-Chinese dictionary. There may be room for improvement in my oral English and English listening comprehension. But I am sure my English proficiency is sufficient for me to undertake advanced studies and research. Besides, I believe I can improve my oral English by leaps and bounds once I start to live in an English-speaking environment. All that I need to do is to set my mind free.
I plan to return to China after the completion of my Ph. D. studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a high-tech corporation.
Yours sincerely,
申请人如果是高中毕业生的话则需要具备高中毕业证和大学的`录取通知书。 如果是大学再读学生则需要提供大学成绩单。大学毕业生则需要提供学位证书和最后的成绩单。
能够支付的起在法国留学期间的一切费用,有能力提供人民币70,000-100,000的银行存款证明. 如果是注册法国大学的第一阶段(D.E.U.G.),需要高中或大学本科的学历和成绩公证;如果是注册法国大学第二或第三阶段(Licence,maitrise,D.E.A.,D.E.S.S.,Doctorat),则需要有大学本科以上的学历和成绩公证。