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我们,xx小学的学生,在这里欢聚一堂,庆祝这个国际节日——儿童节。世界各地的人们都在与我们分享幸福和激情。 我们一直期待着最近的日子。在这里,我们将与在场的每一个人分享我们的激情。我们是最好的,永远是您最好的孩子老师和家长。

























1.happy mother’s day!母亲节快乐

2.i feel there is no way i can get out of ****** a speech.我想,讲几句话是逃脱不掉的

3.of course, everybody knows what day it is today.当然,每个人都知道今天是什么日子

4.i want to say a special word of thanks to my parents.我特别要向我爸妈说感谢的话

6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’s day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前

7.it i had the time, i would have gone around to each one of you to give you my thanks.如果我有时间,我就一一去向各位致谢了

9.i have been given the special honor to make a few remarks to you on this special day for fathers everywhere.在这个特别的日子为各地为人父者说几句话,我真是特别荣幸

11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要再一次感谢你们的祝福

12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have ***anized this wonderful gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会**于:

13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are present here, and through them, all the mothers

throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个人都会和我一起祝福在场的母亲们,经由她们,全世界的母亲永远健康、幸福。篇二:


hello, everyone! my name is tofu. today, i ’m going to talk about how one can develop a good habit

everybody here knows that it’s so important for us to form a good habit. because since we are born, we have been being told over and over again that we are supposed to develop good habits, which are good for all our life. but the fact is that we always find that it’s so difficult for us to develop a good habit.

so, what should we do? don’t worry! i will give you some suggestions immediately

first, you can make a contract with yourself. for example, if you want to develop a habit of going exercise everyday, then ,you have to write down that if you success, you can award yourself a travel to your favorite place or else; but if you fail, you must punish yourself that you can’t eat your favorite food for a month or even longer. do follow my idea, you will have both the pressure and motive power to form a good habit

second, you can ask someone who likes exercise to be your partner. it can be your good friends, your roommates or even your teacher. then, if one day you have the will to give up, your partner will push you to continue.

with a partner, you can encourage each other, supervise each

other and you are supposed to success easier

third, you have to stick to it. always remember that willpower is the most important element for individual success. as the saying goes:

work with perseverance, can be used in the stone. so, never give up, just do it!篇三:


chinese traditional festivals

as we know, we have lots of festivals, such as spring festival(春节), lantern festival(元宵节), tomb-sweeping day(清明节), dragon boat festival(端午节), mid-autumn (moon)festival(中秋节), double-ninth day(重阳节), new years eve(除夕)and so on

as for me, i like new years eve the most, because only in that day can i take a party for all of my friends. we talk with each other sincerely, and we drink heartily(尽情地)。i enjoy this process very much。



labor day on this day, mom and dad to visit me and beautiful along the river road.

lantern when the first two days, a stroll along the river road in, so you a panoramic view across the river yuzhou yuan bridge, he, like the horizon of the rainbow, bridging the north-south traffic, beautiful he yuan river winding like a ribbon flowing through here, cross-strait beautiful, rippling blue river, from all the people gathered here his list.

_ing i step quickly to the triassic park, where it is the light of the oceans, the world of light, only to stand quietly around the two rows of tall, tall and straight forward to the magnolia lamp post, which is far longer looked like a fire dragon lying. in the river, but also seems to be embedded in the water park yuan neck a pearl necklace, more like a neat row of sentries, guarding the water park yuan harmony and perfection.

yuan in the middle of the water park, where the chinese history and culture to display the statue of famous people, and confucius, wang, li bai ......their heads and some idle, some silent with respect.

yuan look around the water park, willow snakes, breeze blowing gently, andi, i can not help but stand in admiration, yuan is the most beautiful water park, people went to the door, just like entering paradise.

this had a very happy 51


hello, everyone! i am very glad to share my topic with you. then we'd like to talk something about mid-autumn festival today.

my name is __. so, __, can you make some introductions about the mid-autumn festival?

okay. the mid-autumn festival is a very important chinese festival. it falls on the 15th day of august. it is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon, which is an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. on the evening there will be a big family dinner.

after dinner, people usually taste delicious moon cakes of many varieties with a good cup of hot chinese tea, while children run around with their brightly-lit lanterns. they can also look back on the past and look forward to the future together. by the way, do you know what the meaning behind this holiday is?

mid-autumn festival probably began as a harvest festival. the festival was later given a mythological flavor with legends of chang-e, the beautiful lady in the moon. according to chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it.

one day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. the earth was saved when a strong archer, hou yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. as his reward, the heavenly queen mother gave hou yi the eli_ir of immortality .

but his wife, chang-e drank it. then she became the moon fairy. thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray and people would sacrifice at the mid-autumn festival.

referred to legends, there is another one i want to share with all of you. during the yuan dynasty, china was ruled by the mongolian people. the king of them was very cruel. an underground group led by zhu yuanzhang was determined to rid the country of mongolian dominance. the moon cake was created to carry a secret message.

when the cake was opened and the message read, an uprising was unleashed which successfully routed the mongolians. what followed was the establishment of the ming dynasty. today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event.

wow! how clever he is! in my hometown lies in the minnan area, there is a custom in mid-autumn festival called moon-cake gambling. all the game requires are si_ dice and a china bowl. just throw the dice into the bowl and the different pips you get stand for different ranks of awards you will win.

the activity was invented by zheng chenggong to help relieve homesickness among his troops during mid-autumn festival. now, _iamen people still believe that the person, who wins 'zhuangyuan' in the game, will have good luck that year. and the mid-autumn festival is the second important holiday in _iamen besides spring festival.

sounds interesting! the winner of moon-cake gambling can taste delicious moon cakes! i usually looked forward to the mid-autumn festival during childhood because i could eat various tastes of moon cakes. the custom of eating moon cakes appeared in the tang dynasty.

ancient moon cake was eaten as a sacrifice (祭品)in the mid-autumn festival. due to the passage of time, the moon cake has been changed into the mid-autumn festival’s food and gifts. in the enening, family members worship the moon, and then the housewife cut moon cake by the members of the family. who shares moon cake more averagely, who will have more good luck.

i also enjoy moon cakes. it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. the round shape of moon cakes symbolizes not only the moon but also the unity of the family.

by the way, e_cept moon cakes, i also hear that in taiwan, barbecuing meat outdoors has become a widespread way to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. different areas celebrate the mid-autumn festival in different ways, but the wishes of enjoying the moon and getting together with families are the same.

as the moon rises, we share it at the same time no matter we are together or far apart.

that’s all. thank you for listening.


dear leaders, headteacher yang , headerteacher li, all the teachers, all the parents, fellow students, and people of our hometown. happy today, happy everyday, happy children's day!


we, the students of __ school, are now gathering here to celebrate the international festival --------- the children's day. people of the world is sharing the happiness and e_citing with us, and we are looked forword to this day for long and long time. together, we will share our vatility to everyone here. we are the best, and always the best children of you--------the teachers and parents.

我们,__小学的同学们,欢聚在此,共同欢庆这个国际性的节日--------儿童节。全世界的人们都在与我们分享快乐与激情,我们对近日已是期盼已久。 在这里,我们将分享我们的激情给在场的每一位,我们是最棒的,而且永远是你们最棒的儿童-----------各位老师和家长。

and we are gratefull to all our teachers and parents, for their glourious culture throughout our glowing up, you have been magnificent. thank you!


today's festival, howerever, has very stapecial meaning, because today we are not just singing and dancing on this stage or cheering on the ground, but also we are sharing our wormth ang passion to everyone who take close attention to us.


for too long, children's day has been taken much too much attention by our school. everyone on this stage has been taken much propration for their programes, it's no e_ception for me absolutely. for this speech, i have practiced a great deal of words pronunciation and phrases.


every mornings, i got up before 6:00 to practice my english speech when much people were in bed and dreamed their sweet dreams. with my great effort to english apeech, i've gained a lot and learnt a lot,made a great prograss!


and now i understand that if you want to come to the top of the mountains in every fields, reduce your empty talk, just practice, just try, just do, and just see the action !


in addition, i have a lot of hobbies after class. for e_ample: baskerball, football, writing, reading and so on. and my best favourite program must be taekondo, although i can't learn backword somersault from now on, i have also never gave up in the past 3 years, i'v learnt bo_ing, kiking, actual combat and tricks, especially, i'v learnt nunchacks. now let me show you for many seconds.



thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your applause and encourage. i'll go down with our school and dear teachers and never let my hands up and giver up, i also want to tell my parents, i'll never ever let you down. i will try my best effort to purse my dream. i will make my body strong, i will make my brain strong, i will make my dream strong !!


best wishes to you, best wishes to our school, and best west wishes to our country!

thank you!

thanks a million!




The American Heritage Festival

1. United States is a cultural powers. Short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the

world's culture. If the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the Festival.

2.  Day(情人节 情人节)(February Valentine's Day(情人节)(February 14)

St. Valentine's Day is an informal observance (非正式的庆祝) of a lover's holiday. Today, the observance has no connection with the many legendary (传说的.) St. Valentines, and holds no religious significance. The day is observed with exchanges of love notes and cards, and other tokens(标志) of affection(感情), called valentines. The symbols of the heart and Cupid(丘比特) are common in cards, decorations of store windows,candies and other paraphernalia(随身物品). Easter(复活节) Easter(复活节)

(The first Sunday after the first full moon following

the vernal equinox(春分)) Easter is important for several reasons. Primarily(主要) it is a time for families to get together much like Christmas or Thanksgiving. They usually have a large meal and serve traditional(传统的) dishes such as baked ham(火腿). In addition, there is a commercial aspect(商业特征) of Easter. It is a time when manufacturers(制造商) of candy and chocolate can sell their products. They make chocolates in the shape of eggs and rabbits since those things are associated with(与……联系) spring and Easter. Finally, Easter is a religious holiday. Many Americans go to church on that day if they are Christians to celebrate the resurrection(耶 酥复活) of Christ. Symbols(象征) which we see at Easter are chicks, flowers, eggs, baskets for children to dye Easter eggs and then to hide them. Other children look for the eggs and collect them in baskets. People often get new clothes for spring for around Easter

3.November 1, Halloween is the traditional festival of the West. Halloween, namely 31 October night, children enjoy a good time to play. As ni

ght fell, the children put on colorful  costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lamp

ran out to play.Packed with parity, the demons were dressed up as children of mobile pumpkin lamp, ran to a neighbor's door, intimidation, like shouting: "to trick or treat" and "give money or to eat." If the adults do not have to change for the hospitality they candy, and those naughty boy just talk the talk: well, you're not playing entertaining, I you.

4.  November 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day, the United States the whole fun, people follow the customs of the prayer of Thanksgiving to the Church, and rural towns are nearby, theatrical performances or sporting events, etc. Continues for another year of relatives will return from many, one family luck, taste the delicious Thanksgiving Turkey.

5.  25 December Christmas is America's largest and most exciting Festival. Christmas night the most interesting activities to a few "harki", the symbol of the angels to report to the shepherds of Bethlehem on the outskirts of Messiah's good news. Late in the season, in a church choir from door to door to come to their doorstep in chorus to sing Christmas carols. So the family out to join the chorus. Songs, the everyone invited to host House,refreshments. Laughing, the choir to sing someone's House, the owner of a home is often accompanied by the "harki"

team growing, they sung from the houses, joyful atmosphere continue to increase, and often continue until dawn.

Christmas is the most typical Christmas tree decorations, people in a small FIR or pine filled with gifts and lantern, the top of the tree with a big star.


1.happy mother’s day!母亲节快乐!

2.i feel there is no way i can get out of making a speech.我想,讲几句话是逃脱不掉的。

3.of course, everybody knows what day it is today.当然,每个人都知道今天是什么日子。

4.i want to say a special word of thanks to my parents.我特别要向我爸妈说感谢的话。

5.thank you all again for coming here today. i am pleased and honored.今天很感谢你们又都来这儿,我感到很高兴,也很荣幸。

6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’s day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前。

7.it i had the time, i would have gone around to each one of you to give you my thanks.如果我有时间,我就一一去向各位致谢了。

8.you all have been so kind to come here tonight.你们真是太好了,今晚都来了。

9.i have been given the special honor to make a few remarks to you on this special day for fathers everywhere.在这个特别的日子为各地为人父者说几句话,我真是特别荣幸。

10.allow me, first of all, to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming to this party in such numbers.这么多人光临这个聚会,首先我要衷心地感谢大家。

11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要再一次感谢你们的祝福。

12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have organized this wonderful gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会。

13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are present here, and through them, all the mothers throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个人都会和我一起祝福在场的母亲们,经由她们,全世界的母亲永远健康、幸福。